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Oxytocin Injection

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【Main ingredients】This product is a sterile aqueous solution of oxytocin extracted from the posterior pituitary of pigs or cattle or chemically synthesized

【Properties】This product is colorless, clear or almost clear liquid.

【Pharmacological action】It can selectively excite the uterus and strengthen the contraction of uterine smooth muscle. Its effect on stimulating uterine smooth muscle varies with dose and hormone level in vivo. Low dose can increase the rhythmic contraction and even contraction and relaxation of uterine muscle at the end of pregnancy vibration; Large doses can cause myotonic contraction of uterine smooth muscle, so that the blood vessels in the myometrium are compressed to stop bleeding. In addition, oxytocin can promote the contraction of myoepithelial cells around mammary glands and ducts, and promote milk excretion.

【Function and use】 Uterine contractile drug. It is used for inducing labor, postpartum uterine hemostasis, and retained placenta. 

【Usage and dosage】Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection: once, 6 ~ 20ml for horses and cattle; Sheep and pigs 2 ~ 10ml; 0.4 ~ 2ml for dogs.

【Adverse reaction】No adverse reaction has been found after the prescribed usage and dosage.

【Precautions】It is forbidden to induce labor when the cervix is not open, the pelvis is too narrow and the birth canal is obstructed.

【Drug withdrawal period】Need not be established.

【Storage】Sealed and stored in a cool and dark place.

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